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NSW Koalas set to become extinct by 2050, inquiry reveals

A koala with her joey in a tree
A NSW Parliamentary Inquiry has found the state's koalas will go extinct before 2050 without "urgent government intervention".()

Even before the horror summer bushfires, koala populations in NSW were looking grim.

With at least 5000 of the already-threatened species lost to the fires, a NSW Parliamentary Inquiry has found koalas in the state will likely become extinct before 2050 without "urgent government intervention."

The inquiry's report - released today - found extensive clearing of land for agriculture, development, mining and forestry had destroyed koala habitats over many decades.

This loss posed the most serious threat to koala populations.

Drought had also made conditions worse, stripping their leaves of moisture and forcing koalas to seek water from backyard hoses and water bowls.

A koala drinks water from a water bottle
Drought conditions and climate change had forced koalas to seek water in backyards and gardens.

This was all exacerbated by the ongoing effects of climate change, the inquiry found.

Climate change was having a "severe impact" on the quality of koala food and habitats, and increasing the threat of other risks - including bushfires.

The inquiry committee, made up of politicians from the Greens, Labor, Liberal, Nationals and Animal Justice parties, handed down 42 recommendations to the Berijiklian Government.

"The game has changed dramatically for koalas," wrote Committee Chair Cate Faehrmann, from the Greens.

"The evidence could not be more stark. The only way our children's grandchildren will see a koala in the wild in NSW will be if the government acts upon the committee's recommendations."

Number estimates 'outdated and unreliable', current efforts 'fall short'

The report noted the NSW Government was relying on "outdated and unreliable" figures on koala populations for its strategy and protection policies.

The Government's Koala Strategy estimated there were 36,000 koalas living in NSW, and that there'd been a 26 per cent decline in the population over the last three koala generations - around 20 years.

But the inquiry heard evidence that koala numbers could be much lower than that, at around 15-20,000.

The committee was told some koala populations have already died out, including in the Pilliga region of northern NSW.

This population had once thrived on public land, but dry conditions, lack of water and foliage had made it a "completely unviable population" by 2019.

Koalas were faring better in western Sydney though. They had one of the few growing, and chlamydia-free, populations in the state.

Alongside land clearing, logging in public native forests had also affected koalas over many years, reducing their food supplies and options for roosting.

And the inquiry delved into the extent of fire damage to populations over the summer.

It found around 24 per cent of koala habitat on public land had been severely impacted by the bushfires. In some parts of NSW, habitat loss had been as high as 81 per cent.

A koala receiving treatment after being burnt in the 2019/20 bushfires
At least 5000 koalas were killed in the 2019/20 bushfires, which had a severe impact on their populations and habitat in NSW.()

The final report also criticised the current NSW Koala Strategy, saying it fell short of recommendations for a whole-of-government strategy, aimed at stabilising and increasing koala numbers.

It said overall planning to protect habitats was inconsistent and disconnected.

"It was frustrating to hear from government witnesses that the policies and laws in place to protect koalas and their habitat are adequate," Cate Faehrmann said in the report's foreword.

"However what became increasingly apparent as the committee held hearings around the state is that they're not."

The recommendations

Finding better methods to survey koala numbers topped the list of recommendations from the committee.

They singled out specific populations in need of better habitat protection and funding, and said koala habitats and corridors needed to be "urgently prioritised" in the planning and implementation stages of urban growth areas.

They called on the NSW Government to look further into the impacts of logging in public native forests, and to establish new plantations on already-cleared land.

The report asked for climate change to be made a "key consideration" when drafting legislation and protection plans, to "ensure climate change mitigation is a core component of all strategies to save the koala in New South Wales."

Following the devastating bushfires of Black Summer, the committee also wanted the NSW Rural Fire Service to develop standards for wildlife carers to access fire grounds, and to train rescue groups in fire awareness.

"I particularly encourage the government to investigate the establishment of the Great Koala National Park on the NSW Mid North Coast without delay," Committee Chair Cate Faehrmann wrote.

A full list of recommendations can be found here.

A response from the NSW Government is expected in December.
